SoftWorks started its operations in Bangladesh back in 2007 as a software house, currently having a subsidiary in USA. Our main focus area is health information system implementation, covering areas like - Logistics Management Information System (LMIS), DHIS2 integration & interoperability, track & trace, patient dispensing, asset management and Mobile app development. Worked with international organizations like MSH, Chemonics as well as with target country Ministry to implement national level health information systems in Bangladesh, DRC, Mali, Benin, Burkina Faso, Liberia, Chad, Namibia and Botswana. SoftWorks chooses open source technologies and follows principles of digital development.
3-member SoftWorks team participated in the dhis2 annual conference at University of Oslo, Norway on 10-13 June 2024. SoftWorks had a presentation in 'DHIS2 for Logistics' session held on 13th June 2024. The abstract is available at thisLink . SoftWorks also presented their visionPOS v2 system during 'Use Case Bazaar' sessions held every afternoon from 4-5pm.

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